Week 5 Happenings…..

Welcome to week 5 (well what is left of it!). We hope all families enjoyed the holiday yesterday!

Please see below for a general idea of what will be happening in the Prep Neighbourhood over the next few days.

We are looking forward to the first transition visit for the new preps for 2019 and we know that the information book the current preps have been working on will be a great support- they have been working incredibly hard on this project!

During the transition visit the current preps will have the opportunity to build connections with other PHPS teachers and year 1 and 2 students at the Coach Approach Program (**if you have not given permission via Compass please do so ASAP as registrations close at 5pm today**). During these sessions the preps will work on a range of physical skills and learn about keeping themselves healthy and active.


Daily Weather Routine (in homegroups)

Projects and Provocations

Guided Reading

Music/Library/Fine Motor Skills

Maths and Literacy Games (number targets)


Tabloid Sports (Coach Approach Program)

Prep Transition (2019 preps to visit our neighbourhood)

Personal Stories Workshop

Step Inside Workshop

ICT (book design) Workshop


Fire Brigade Visit 2 (subject to fire fighter availability)

Specialists (Italian/P.E/Visual Art)
