February 2018

Buddy Time

The buddy program at Princes Hill PS is an essential part of our learning. We encourage positive relationships between the buddies, allowing older child to support younger children to navigate the school routines and expectations during play time and help make connections with other prep children. Although we have now completed our 2 weeks of […]

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in2Cricket Sessions On Monday mornings in term 1 the Year 2 neighbourhood will be involved in a series of in2Cricket clinics. The students will learn the skills of cricket as well as related skills such as cooperation and communication. Our first session was held this week with in2Cricket coach Tom. It was a fantastic introduction

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Shared Reading

Last week, the prep students began their sessions of shared reading. Shared reading involves the whole class and the teacher reading an enlarged text that is beyond the level students can read by themselves. Big books with enlarged text and illustrations are used so that students can follow the words as the teacher reads. Initially

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Week 3 Happenings

Hello Everyone, below is a list of this weeks happenings. Monday Projects & Provocations – Exploring our Neighbourhood & Learning Spaces Coding Workshop Making Labels Workshop Share Our Adventure Workshop STEAM Shared Reading Tuesday Projects & Provocations – Exploring our Neighbourhood & Learning Spaces Coding Workshop Making Labels Workshop Share Our Adventure Workshop Shared Reading

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Home Reading

The prep students will attend library time tomorrow morning and will be encouraged to borrow a book from the Junior School Library to take home. We have organised a Prep Reader’s Notebook for all children and a Reader Folder for all children whose essential items have been processed. The Reader’s Notebook is used to respond to library books your child

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