Week 4 Recap – Assembly!

Because Week 4 was a  four-day school week, our main focus was Friday’s Assembly. As two neighbourhood’s, we wanted to come together and share with the school community what we’ve been learning so far this year.

As Assembly was on Friday afternoon, students hadn’t yet had the chance to discuss and reflect on how the performances went but instead we intend on providing you with how the assembly came to be.

We firstly decided on what learning had been evident within the neighbourhood: School Values and how we live through them, how we want to learn as a neighbourhood and setting up learning expectations – what is fair and equal.

Next, we all chose five provocations and learning opportunities to showcase to the community, they included:

  • A music and dance performance that reflected our school values
  • Measuring how our school environment affects our learning – through sound, light and temperature
  • ‘Public Service Announcement’ Films
  • ‘Who we are at PHPS’ community interviews that involved students, teachers and parents
  • Lastly, opportunities to ’emcee’ the assembly with confidence

A reflective blog post will be added throughout Week 5 identifying what the students had to say about the assembly performance as well as their own experiences. In the mean time, here are some great shots as the kids prepared themselves for Friday’s event.