Learning Focus – Week 5

Welcome to Week 5Image result for welcome to week 5

As the Year 2 Neighbourhood marches into Week 5 please see below for some of the things that will be happening.


Our writing focus for Week 5 will be a description of a significant event. During our writing sessions the students will draft and edit their own text. When writing the students will consider aspects such as the use of descriptive language, correct punctuation and the incorporation of new and relevant vocabulary. The students will also refer to their individual writing goal.

Image result for My Grandmother’s Clock

Last week we began our spelling inquiry. This week the focus will be words with the long e sound. The use of shared texts is one way the students will engage in more mindful spelling.

Our guided reading sessions will continue this week with each student having the opportunity to discuss a text in a small group setting.


Our focus in mathematics this week will include the investigation of number sequences, the use of efficient addition strategies, the measurement of distance and time and the exploration of place-value using a range of resources such as maths games.

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The discussion of the mathematics in everyday life is an important way for each student to further engage in mathematics and one way to support your child at home. Where do you see maths?

Enjoy your week.

The Year 2 Team