Welcome to 2018!

We have had a fabulous start to Term 1 and have enjoyed getting to know each other, our learning spaces and our new teachers.

This week our primary focus was our school values, we explored these values through our provocations in each learning area of our neighbourhoods. By exploring these values we also looked at how we enact them and what having these values each day actually looks like.

All the students have been working hard to create films, new logos, personal biographies, raps, and poems to showcase these values.

The year 4’s have been wonderful leaders in the neighbourhood showcasing our values in action and our new year 3’s have worked extremely hard in what is a new space and a new learning community!

We also welcome Matilda as a homeroom teacher in Neighbourhood 2, she is new to our school but you may have seen her around the year one neighbourhood towards the end of last year. We are excited to see what she will bring to our neighbourhood as the year continues.

We are looking forward  to continuing this inquiry and introducing our new inquiries in the coming weeks.