At the end of Term 3, the Year Two Neighbourhood will participate in Princes Hill Primary School’s inaugural Junior School Sports Day. The event will be held on the afternoon of Wednesday 20th September, in the last week of term . Maddie and Jess, teachers from Prep and Year 1, came up with the idea and have been busy planning not only the events for the afternoon, but also activities for the weeks leading up to it.
Students from Prep, Year 1, and Year 2 have come together in House Teams to practice throwing, catching, and running, as well as build their teamwork skills and understandings in a variety of team challenges, games, and experiences. It’s been a great opportunity for the Year 2s to set an example to the younger years of what being a good team member looks like through cheering, encouragement, and being supportive towards their peers.
Next week in Projects and Provocations we will start think about mascot and flag design for the different houses, in Writing Targets students will work on developing procedural texts for all of the activities that that can be shared with the Preps and Year 1s, and in Music we will be creating chants with Deb.