Celebrating Book Week in the Year 2 Neighbourhood

On Wednesday, the staff and students at our school celebrated Book Week. It was delightful to see so many students arriving at the start of the day in costume, and all the students particularly enjoyed the whole school parade that was held in the gym. From super heroes to cartoon characters, boy wizards, sailors, and animals, the variety of book characters across the school was vast and varied.

After the parade, the Year 2 students worked in groups to create stories that were inspired by the characters that they were dressed as, and had the opportunity to share their stories with other groups of students.  Students also had the opportunity later in the week to start typing up their stories. There were adventure stories, tales of romance and friendships, funny stories, and spooky, suspenseful stories. Soon we will be looking more closely at narratives, and thinking about ‘what good writers do’, and it’s great to see students so excited about creating their own short stories – and chapter books! – and sharing and developing their ideas with their friends and classmates.