Wellbeing – Managing frustration

Our wellbeing session in Week 4 was focused on safety at school. We looked at the feeling of ‘frustration’. The Preps identified some situations at school that can cause frustration or anger. Sometimes children make choices that are not safe when they are experience this emotion. People sometimes can hurt others with their body and their words when they are feeling upset, and this is never ok. We had a discussion about the importance of making positive choices and how this creates a safe environment.

The children watched the story of Tucker the Turtle. He takes time to stop and think when he feels frustrated.

We discussed the different options that they have if a problem arises in the playground – Yard Duty teacher, peer support team, finding others to play with, taking time to leave the situation and get a drink.



The preps also practiced singing the Tucker Turtle song, to help them to remember the steps.

  • Think like Tucker the Turtle! Think like Tucker the Turtle.
  • STOP
  • Keep your hands to yourself
  • No yelling at your friends
  • Take 3 deep breaths
  • 1………2……..3……..