Inquiry Group: Indigenous Peoples

We started off the session looking at this “alien” message and trying to work out what it meant.

This was quite a provocation as we drew on our prior experiences, understanding of symbols and cultural awareness.

We started to build up our understanding of the challenges and solutions in colonising Mars. There was some great thinking and questioning like;

  • What if the aliens are smarter than us?
  • What if they have less or different senses than us and can’t hear or see?
  • What if they were less complex, like bacteria?
  • What if they communicated through smells?
  • What if they don’t want to share the planet?
  • would it be different if they came to Earth to visit?

Itsara pointed out early in the session that it seemed like a stretch that we went from exploring Australia’s history with the First Nations peoples, by the end he could explain that there were some similarities .

We went on with creating handbooks for surviving on Mars. Here are a few of the drafts…