
The Year Twos had a lot of fun last Wednesday afternoon completing laps around the school for the PHPS annual Walkathon event. While the day started with a bit of drizzle, it cleared up by lunchtime and the sun was out as students made their way around the and through the school grounds.  Thank you to all of the parent volunteers who helped out on the day, and parents that came along and participated in the walk. And thank you to everyone who donated towards this fundraising event!

This week we used the Year 2 Neighbourhood results in a Maths provocation, challenging students to  practice their addition strategies to add up the total number of laps for each home group.

The blue forms went back home last week with the number of laps that your child completed, so that money can be sent back into school. If you haven’t yet sent your fundraising money back to school, it would be great if you could do this as soon as possible. Thank you to everyone who already has done this!