Week 6 Learning Focus!

Inquiry focus!

The inquiry is taking an exciting turn this week, through the process of collaboratively developing our inquiry wall there have been some stand-out understandings and interests regarding change in our world. This week the children will be organised into new groupings – ‘Environment’, ‘Engagement’ and ‘Connectedness’. Within these groups we will be exploring our world directly through how we interact with it and possibly how we can influence change within it.

The environment group developed from people who are concerned with pollution and nature. The engagement group developed from interest in the playground and construction and the connectedness group has been inspired by children’s interest in  feelings, helping one another and being a part of a community.

Literacy Focus!

This week for we will look at Jeannie Baker’s storybook “Belonging” – which tells the story of a family who live in an urbanised environment with no connection to the community. Over time, the family try to make their surrounds more beautiful, and eventually the street.  As the environment changes take place we see neighbours getting to know each other as a community.

As we explore the environment, our surrounds and community connection in the inquiry this book and its themes embed themselves beautifully.

The book also works as an engaging way to introduce the children to the concept of a persuasive text, by examining what it is that the author is trying to get us, the audience, to consider.

During these investigations we will continue our learning around writing and spelling conventions such as correct use of lower and upper case letters and exploring double vowel sounds for reading and spelling.

Numeracy focus!

This week in numeracy we will continue our investigations into place value and large number awareness through recognising, recording and making large numbers. We have started using MAB blocks to represent numbers and exploring what place value means.

The teaching team will be exposing mathematical investigation possibilities through the inquiry project groups as the focus develops over the next couple of weeks.


The Walkathon is on the 31st – please ensure to support the children in gaining sponsors for their efforts on the day!

The children’s log in details for the Premiers Reading Challenge are being handed out this week. Please ensure you help your child log the books they are reading for the challenge with those details. Please notify the neighbourhood teachers if you would prefer your child’s name to be excluded from the online Honour Roll.

Thanks and have a great week!