Maths Week 6 & 7

During weeks 6 prep students have had several maths experiences. These will continue on in week 7.

  • Numeracy recognition and writing – The preps have been practicing their numbers up to 10 in their maths books. Some numbers, such as 8, are trickier than others. Some students have also experienced targeted learning to support with this learning.
  • Part-part-whole – Preps are learning that numbers can be made up with different combinations of numbers. We often do this with a narrative of frogs in the pond. For example, if there are seven frogs in the pond and three are on the lily pad, how many are on the rock? Understanding that a whole number can be made of different parts will support their understanding of both addition and subtraction.
  • Subitizing – This helps students recognise small amounts of objects without counting them but through their patterns or the combination of patterns. We support this through subtilising games and through games with dice. Subitizing allows students to start developing their capacity to mentally calculate amounts and to think mathematically.
  • Counting – Students have been practicing counting forwards and backwards up to 20. When we count amounts of objects, we keep track of what we counted so that we count accurately.