A Day in Ancient Rome


Dear parents and carers,

On Thursday the 13th October all students will be involved in an Ancient Roman games day. In multi age house groups, students will investigate the culture and lifestyle of Ancient Romans and in particular discover how the children of that time played and amused themselves. The students will create board games with an Ancient Roman theme and Roman coins for use when playing their games.

Students will take part in a Roman style banquet from 10.45-11.15. Please can each child bring some Italian food to share with their classmates at lunchtime. Suggestions for the banquet include:

antipasto (meats- salami, mortadella, cheeses, olives etc), grissini, fruit, prosciutto and melon, Italian biscuits, frittata or pizza. The idea is to bring a plate of food to be shared by the neighbourhood.

If your child has dietary requirements please inform your home group teacher and where appropriate pack a separate plate of food for him/her. Parent help in setting up and serving the lunch would be greatly appreciated.

Students are encouraged to dress up in Roman style….they can wear the togas and cardboard jewellery they created for the Box Wars day. We look forward to sharing this glimpse into Ancient Rome with the Princes Hill Primary School community!

Anne-Maree Seccull and Hannah Rother-Gelder