Time for….?

Developing our big understanding of systems has led us to look at so many interesting and useful concepts in our world.  One of our big ideas is that systems help us make sense of the world. And that each system has it’s own purpose, but ultimately the same end goal – to make something work. This week, the grade one neighbourhood was encouraged to investigate the concept of ‘time’ as a system.  We wanted the students to have the understanding that often things happen at a certain time, which we can rely on to make our lives run smoothly. By being able to tell the time and to know when things happen, students are able to play active roles in the organisation of their lives.


One of the provocations we set up this week, was to have students choose a time and show what they do at the particular time of the day.  This is a great way for students to combine their maths and creative thinking skills.  Below are some pictures of the students in the grade one neighbourhood ‘freeze framing’ their day.



We also spent some more time (ha!) investigating other aspects of learning about time.