- Number sequencing to 10 and beyond
- Matching numerals with words
- Ordinal numbers
- Subitizing – recognising collections of dots as a number
- Shared reading experiences with Big Books. There is a focus on strategies that can support reading. For example – using illustrations, rhyming words, making predictions and following the repetition
- Guided reading, buddy reading, independent and paired reading
- Reading their own name and names of their friends in the Prep Neighbourhood.
- Modelled and independent writing – reflection after learning agreement
- Modelled and independent writing about what they like at school – ‘I like to….’
- Shared writing experiences: 100 days of Prep.
- Observation of Maddy’s ‘happiness’ presentation, followed by unveiling of the ‘Tree of Happiness’
- Question: What would you like to bring to bring in to share with your peers?