Welcome/Morning Routines


Welcome to the new school year! We’re all very excited as we begin the term, full of potential and promise. It’s going to be a great year of learning together and building community. It has been nice to meet some of you around the Year 2 Learning Neighbourhood and share insights about your wonderful children.

After spending a little over a week with your children, we’ve learnt more about what they are interested in and how they like to explore and express themselves. Initially we’ll be exploring the idea of ‘welcoming’ as we transition into the new year. To support this, we have turned the Pigdon street enterance into our Welcome Space. Please visit the space in morning to allow your child to be greeted and mark him/herself present (this space will also be used for notices and lunch orders). Please ensure that if you and your child enter from a different entrance that together you make your way there as a first point of call. From 8.45 to 9.00 we will have this space staffed with one of the team members, please utilise this person as your contact for urgent, general information and things that require a follow up so that this can be effectively relayed to the whole team. If you arrive after 9am, you must sign them in at the school office.

As we inquire into the concept of ‘welcome’ we’d love to know more about how your family or culture celebrates or expresses greetings either with your immediate family or the within the wider community. Having discussions with your child and helping them to make personal connections would deepen our shared experience. Artefacts, if possible, such as photos, videos, costumes, decorations would be a welcomed addition.