Wellbeing – Walking in someones’ shoes

WEEK 4: The children participated in a wellbeing session that focused on the idea of walking in someone else’s shoes (a key understanding we want to develop as part of our school values). It was interesting to hear the initial thinking of this phrase. Many students understood in the literal sense, of actually walking in another persons’ shoes.

Each child has gone through a huge transition this year, from kindergarten to school. They were asked the question:

How did you feel on your first day of school? 

Responses included:

  • happy
  • scared
  • shy
  • excited
  • frightened
  • worried
  • nervous
  • angry

The Preps were asked to think like a 2018 Year 1 student! Next year, there will be a new group of Preps having their first day. We discussed what how they might support a 2018 Prep in a variety of situations.

WEEK 5: We had a discussion about ‘Walking in someone’s shoes’. The Preps shared their ideas about the meaning behind the phrase:

  • “Helping people when they are sad.” Franzi
  • “Knowing how someone else feels.” Owen L
  • “Helping people” Scarlett (red group)
  • “Thinking about what someone else is thinking.” Lachlan
  • “Making them feel better if they are sick” Ike
  • “If they are angry, you can say – Its ok to be angry sometimes.” Tristan
  • “Giving someone a hug if they feel upset” Molly
  • “Helping someone up” Izzy
  • “Knowing what they are thinking.” Olivia
  • “Understanding them.” Scarlett (blue group)

The students listened to the story – Have you filled a bucket today? This story shows the positive effect that  kindness has on others and also yourself.

We had a discussion about how they could ‘walk in someone’s shoes’ at school. The Preps drew a picture of a situation where they have supported someone else.