Learning Focus – Week 8!

This week, students began working in their chosen project groups:

  • Animations creations
  • Story writing/publishing
  • Puppetry character producing

These project groups will run for the remainder of the term for most of the days of the week. The sole purpose of these project groups are for students to work closely on one project where they can take their learning further and deeper. Not only will they be creating pieces strongly in line with our inquiry of storytelling/stories, it provides the students a chance to work closely with a teacher who has a strong experience in that field. Students will also be receiving constant feedback on their work to make it the best they can produce. We hope these project pieces can be completed by the end of the term and, in turn, be placed into their portfolios as well as shared with you at school.

A continuation of writing structure will be a focus for literacy this week. We have encouraged students to look back at their writings from the past seven weeks and have a go at explaining the parts of the writing from a structural perspective: title, introduction, build up, problem, solution and ending. We will also be discussing the different types of structures we can find in everyday writings which include procedures, narratives, letters and persuasive pieces.

Autumn Leaves Math Project! It is a new project the kids will be starting this week that will also be continuing on until the end of the term. Each week, there will be a different maths focus, but all will be documented into their portfolios. This week, the students will be required to collect a variety of leaves from outside to which they will then estimate and count in a number of different ways – 1s, 2s, 5s or 10s. By using the same leaves, the students will then be asked to group each leaf in an organised format – this could be shown by size, by leaf type, by colours or even by their own format. The final task is for the students to recreate a number of patterns using the leaves as well as explaining their patterns.

Harmony Week has been another big focus for us this week as we celebrate we where all come from. On Thursday, the students will participate in a number of engaging activities that allow them to understand what harmony means and how we celebrate our community through the many backgrounds we have.

Junior School Assembly this Friday 22nd starting @ 9:05am on mini oval.

WHOLE School Assembly next Friday 29th starting @9:05am in Gym.

Reminder 1: School Photo Envelopes; if you wish to order photos and have not yet returned your envelope, they are due in by Friday 22nd March.

Reminder 2: Library tomorrow! Which means all students are required to bring their reading journals to school for swapping of books. This has been a positive note for most of the students so make sure to keep reminding your kids to pack them!