Elise Hurst (Illustrator)- Illustrating Character Development

Dear Elise,

We would like to thank you for helping us to build a character and inspire us to write stories. Essentially, we learnt that starting with a simple character and adding interesting details is a great way to build a character and a story.

We learnt to draw characters in a simple way using basic shapes based on any everyday items or animals. We also learnt that by adding different details, such as costumes, expressions and backgrounds, you can change the personality of the character and context of your story.


Thinking of ideas that don’t match, oppose and may even be silly is a great way to turn anything into an interesting character. For example, a mouse that is scared of cheese, a fire that can’t burn, or a laptop that hates humans.

Thank you for sharing your expertise and taking the time to prepare this workshop for us. We were all buzzing with ideas during and after it.

Oliva, Jess, Izzy, Lyla