Dear parents/carers,
We hope that all families have had an enjoyable and rewarding week peppered with moments of laughter, success and some time spent savouring the gems that life presents us.
To further brighten your week, please read the following reflections from some of the stars in Year 2.
Owen: I have improved on my maths, my drawing and also my reading this week. I have enjoyed creating an image from my favourite novel. Also my visible thinking routine.
Scientist Sotir:
Heidi: I enjoyed the Numeracy Chance activity because it’s fun to do with your family because they help you when you do it. My favourite one is the one about cricket. “Maybe someone cheated by throwing the ball far away from the batsman so the batsman couldn’t catch it.”
Ebony: I think a good way to do remote learning is to only do it for half of the day. This strategy has really helped me. Only working for half the day means I don’t stress as much.
Undram: ln my first draft of the Autobiography I didn’t add as much detail but on the second one l added as much detail as l could. l think l would do better on the Final Copy of the Autobiography.
Scientist Charlotte:
Felix R: I have really enjoyed the typing this week and also Hannah’s art projects and making my log cabin for a bird was really fun and took lots of concentration.
Binderiya: I feel like I am growing up and getting to know things a bit better, and I am very proud of myself!
Gigi: I learnt a lot during watching BTN news. here are two links to learn about my two favourites the second one you have to click it’s website so you can learn more about it I actually found out that you have to click each website to learn more about it.
Scientist Joanna:
Alex: I have loved having the Webex meetings of a morning. Helps me to work on things for the day . Love to see my home group class and ruby. I have loved the challenges in the math work shop. I loved working on the making someone happy inquiry. It was fun making my brother a pizza. He was so surprised. I had a great week. 😄have good weekend .
Seb C-M: I like the book Malamander. This week I did a lot of work and I feel proud.
Ava: We have bean doing lots of writing maths, reading, inquiry, Art, Italian and PE. We are getting used to the webex meetings and performances.
Have a great weekend!
The Year 2 Neighbourhood