The Inaugural Year 2 Neighbourhood Book Week Trivia Quiz

Today the students at Princes Hill Primary School celebrated the launch of Book Week with our annual parade in the gym. It was fantastic to see so many amazing costumes from all the year levels! The Year Twos continued book week festivities back in their neighbourhood with our first ever ‘Book Week’ trivia quiz – inspired by the upcoming ‘Trivia Night’ that is this Saturday night for parents, carers, and teachers.

The Potato Heads were declared the winners with an overall score of 62 points!!

Over the last few weeks, a number of guided reading groups have been researching and writing questions related to their shared texts (The Secret World of Wombats by Jackie French and What Body Part Is That? by Andy Griffiths and Terry Denton), and students have been invited to contribute their own book-related questions during Projects and Provocations time this week. Earlier in the week, students formed groups to decide on a team name and use fractions as a way to plan what popcorn  would like for their table. After the parade, the teams took to their tables with pencils, paper, and popcorn (generously provided by Sonny D’s dad Nigel) at the ready:

The Cool Quiz Masters (AJ, Scarlett, Cianna, Hugh, Harry, Owen L, Owen C) 

The Fire Dragons (Charlie, Sunny W, Olivia, Jessica, Felix) 

The Pop Buddies (Ahilan, Tselmeg, Karl, Scarlett Hope, Harriett) 

Mr Zik (Mia, Robert, Ziyu, Izzy, Kat)  

The Power Dragons (Molly, Archie H, Thomas, Maggie) 

BTS Pop (Bessie, Banjo, Bas, Theo, Sophie)

The Trivia Masters (Wren, Archie M, Lilian, Claudia, Abdullah)

CR 7 Kids (Franzi, Alannah, Emma, Sonny D, Ozzy) 

Potato Heads (River, Lachlan, Wesley, Sammy, Tao) 

After four rounds of ten questions each, the Potato Heads were declared the winners of the quiz with 62 points, followed closely by The Cool Quiz Masters and the Power Dragons in second and third place, and the Fire Dragons and Mr Zik tied in fourth place.