Rocket Science

For the past week the Year 2 neighbourhood has been exploring the science of rockets. This interest in “rocket science” was fueled by the watching of a live stream of a SpaceX rocket launch, where 24 satellites were released into orbit at an altitude of approximately 400 kilometers, at a speed of 25 thousand kilometers an hour. This launch caused enormous excitement in the Year 2 neighbourhood.

This week we have continued on by designing, experimenting, testing, hypothesizing, modifying, retesting, recording, measuring (time and distance) , correcting, launching, relaunching and creating our balloon rockets.  We have been doing this to challenge ourselves, build our collaborative skills and encourage a deeper engagement in science. It has also provided many opportunities for real life mathematics. Our exploration of rocket science is also excellent preparation for Science Week which will focus on space, the moon and rockets.

The Year 2 neighbourhood