Week 3 Reflection

Dear Parents and Carers,

Week 3 has been a very productive and wonderful week in the Year 2 neighbourhood. This week we participated in the Walkathon to raise money for the school. We all walked around the school and we calculated that one lap is 448m. We calculated this using Google Maps. We were very lucky that after a brief shower the weather was fine. It was a fantastic afternoon with plenty of smiles and some tired muscles.  We all enjoyed a refreshing gelato afterwards. Don’t forget to bring in your donations!

This week we selected some helpers who will be contributing to our neighbourhood next week.

This morning we had the Mother’s Day assembly which was amusing, heartwarming and a great success. After that we all came back to the Year 2 neighbourhood, and after a brief discussion the students and their mothers/carers created a small piece of art that will be taken home and treasured.

My highlight for the week:

The Walkathon (Scarlett H.- she knows who she is)

The Mother’s Day assembly (Isabelle)

Instrumental music (Wren)

Thinking of some great/spectacular/enjoyable/glorious/incredible word choices (Claudia)

Writing my persuasive letter (Lachlan)

Describing 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional shapes (Bessie)

Making our own obstacles in P.E (Tristan)

The Buddy Project (Sunny W)

We are looking forward to our parent incursion speakers next week.

We finished today with a beautiful solo violin performance of Chocolate Treats by Hugh.

Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers and carers.

The Year 2 Neighbourhood