Another big week of learning this week! Our inquiry about stories has taken off with many kids continuing to bring in and share their personal artefacts from home as well as the stories behind them. As we reflected on our inquiry journey thus far, many kids expressed how they have learnt/heard stories from around the globe and/or handed down from their families. Therefore, a focus on stories from many cultures are going to be our next focus! We have asked the students to ask their families what stories they may know from travelling, meeting people overseas or even stories from the earlier generations.
New and exciting provocations have begun in all areas of the neighbourhood this week. Starting with literacy, all students will be required, at some point as an assessment piece, to complete a written story about their chosen artefact that they’ve brought into school. Other fantastic opportunities include writing stories to which students have learnt or heard about from around the world/cultures and placed on our gigantic world map, identifying the values and traits of our favourite characters and looking into our second author study of Pamela Allen.
Numeracy focuses have continued with counting from 1 to 100, reading numbers up to 1,000, using MAB blocks to develop our place value knowledge and finally experimenting with patterns! By using a variety of different resources, students will be creating their own patterns which include shapes, numbers and colours. By exploring patterns, students will be developing their understandings of what a pattern is, where we can see them in the real world as well as creating their own unique pattern from scratch!
Other provocations the students will be engaging with include a continuation of character creations using puppetry as well as the character-animations in the art studio. We are encouraging students to invite you in to share some of the amazing work with you which can be on display in each area.
Reminder: PHPS staff would strongly encourage parents/carers to come along to the information night which lays on Wednesday 13th beginning at 6:00pm.
Reminder 2: Next Monday and Tuesday (4th & 5th March), students will not be required at school as they are both Professional Days for the teachers.
Last reminder: Tomorrow is library – opportunity for students to change their readers. Please remind them to pack their reading journals into their bags as last week many students had forgotten!
Year 1 Team