Happenings – Week 2

Hi all!

As you may have picked up or been told, this year’s inquiry topic will be around stories and how they are told, received and created in the many forms in and around our community! This week, all four Year 1 teachers have brought in their own personal artefact that is also connected with a story. For example, Jared has brought in his childhood teddy ‘Floyd’, Sia shared her special blanket, Keith show and told his Japanese porcelain piece and Lisa brought in her favourite childhood book.

This week, we have informed our students they will all be invited to bring any type of artefact they would like to share with their home group. The artefact should be a smallish item which isn’t of high value, can be put on display for two-three weeks and of course, have a backing story the child can share with their group. The kids will also be writing a small piece about the story they will be telling as part of their inquiry project for the term.

Therefore, if you could help your child by choosing a relevant artefact/item to bring to school and at some stage during the week, each of them will have the opportunity to show and tell the item’s story back to the students.

Toward the end of this week, the students will be receiving their reading-home folder. This reading folder is going to play an extremely important part of the development of their reading as well as their school-home relationship. Inside the folder, you will see 5 books your child has chosen (to their appropriate reading level), a reading log and a reading response book. As the students develop their reading skills at school and home, your support is needed! Therefore, when reading at home, your child and you can:

  • Document the reading log whenever a book has been read (even if you read a couple of pages)
  • Question and encourage your child to respond to the book inside of the Reading Response book
  • Connect the book to your own lives
  • Ensure the books are kept inside of the pocket at all times
  • Ensure the reading folder is kept inside of your child’s bag every day
  • And of course, read read read!!!!

If you have any questions on any of the above information, please don’t hesitate to come in and ask one of the teachers!

Year 1 team!