Welcome to Year 1 – 2019!!!

Hello and welcome back to another exciting and fun filled 2019 for Year 1!

We hope you all had a fantastic holiday break and are ready to begin a jam-packed 2019.

Your teachers for Year 1 are:

1KS: Keith (A.P.) & Sia (Literature Support)

1LC: Lisa Chambers

1JS: Jared Shaw

 The first week and a half have had a strong focus of understanding routines, welcoming new students and setting up essential agreements within our learning areas. In setting up the year strong within our essential agreements, students have participated in a number of wellbeing workshops talking about our school values, what is a safe and inclusive school, conflict resolution and positive mindsets! Each home group have created their own essential agreements and placed them in a clear area where we can all be reminded of what we all agreed on.

Reading and writing have also begun by sharing personal stories in getting to know each other. We have also discussed how we ‘find an idea’ to write a story about as well as understand what editing our writing means and how it is important to the development of our writing.

Within our maths, the kids have started by having a focus on statistics on our birthdays! Firstly, we found out our own birthdates, read the days/months and seasons in order and collated ALL of the Year 1 birthdays together on the display board. From here, the students learnt about pictographs and bar graphs and how we can gather data, organise it and discuss what we found.

The Art studio has plenty of provocations set up too! Here, the students have had many opportunities in finding out natural resources including rocks and their properties and timelines storyboards of natural materials. They are also creating different angles of our self portraits using water paints, writing letters to our teachers about things the students want to inform us and finally a video recording opportunity – which is another way for kids to tell us anything important to them! 

Finally, if there are any parent helpers who would like to help out with ‘little’ jobs in and around the neighbourhoods, please come and see your teachers! We do appreciate all of your help!

There is no assembly tomorrow. However, if you do have any questions or concerns thus far into the year, come and see any of us in the morning or after school.

Year 1 Team!