Camp Manyung Last Day

The last day at Camp Manyung was a little tiring. We were all early to bed last night but there is so much to do we have tired ourselves out!

This morning we woke early to pack our bags, successfully getting all those sleeping bags in their covers!

After porridge for breakfast we had the last of our activities.

Low Ropes

The low ropes are a series of different rope obstacles you need to make your way through. It was lots of fun and because they were low to the ground we didn’t hurt ourselves when we fell off!

Kitchen Garden

In the kitchen garden we got to learn about the different vegetables they grow at the camp and how they can be cooked. Then we got to choose our own vegetables and herbs and put these on a pizza, which we cooked in the pizza oven.

Tree Rolling

The tree rolling is an obstacle course of different logs and ropes etc. You need to have harness to help you around the course because it is so high up.

Crate Climb

The crate climb is when you get to build a tower of crates which you stand on. You have a harness on because you can go really high. But when the crates begin to fall – so do you! Not to the ground though, you get to swing for a little while until the bring you down safely in the harness.

Soon we will be on the bus to head home. We can’t wait to tell everyone all that has happened!