Swimming 2018

The intensive swimming program beings next Monday. 

  • Students are to wear their swimming costume to school. This helps to maximise time in the water as we can get straight into the lessons when we arrive. provided your child has two piece/ Speedos or shorts. If your child has a one piece, they can wear the bottom half so that they can easily use the bathroom when they need to before they leave and it then easily put the top half on before swimming. 
  • Ensure that underwear is packed for them to get changed into.
  • Pack a plastic bag for their wet swimmers to go into.
  • Pack a water bottle.
  • Choose footwear that is easy for your child to take off and put on independently.
  • If they aren’t doing so already, encourage independence when drying themselves and ask them to get dressed into their clothes independently.

Many thanks to the parent helpers who have offered to help. If you are able to come, please let your child’s home group teacher know. A current working with children’s check is required.