Learning Focus – Week 10

Coming off a short week, students continued to develop understandings of what is expected for their concept drawings in connection to their chosen meeting place. Students also had a fantastic opportunity to experience in person how a group operates through the Carlton Football Club at Ikon Park. On reflection, students were able to identify different aspects of the group including how they communicate with one another, the different groups that were on show (players, trainers, coaches), the characteristics that made the club function and how this opportunity could be connected to a group they are a part of.

Meeting Places:

As students are well into their concept drawings as well as their meeting place floor plans, some have also begun recreating their models using a variety of different building materials – balsa wood, clay or 3D printing using the supportive program of Makers Empire. You can find these begun models on our displays within the learning commons. This provocation will continue through this week and until the end of the term where they will also have the opportunity to have their model photographed and placed into their portfolio for conferences.

Science Posters/Information Reports:

Most students have completed their wonderful science posters on a chosen animal and others are working through turning their found research into a structured information report. This week’s focus will be a chance for students to edit, add or change any information in improving their work to the best standard, again preparing for conferences next week.

Student Led Conferences Preparation:

As you are all well aware, next week are the student led conferences where students have the opportunity to share their learning through multiple pieces of work within their portfolios. Both teachers and students are working hard on preparing portfolios as well as a chance for students to choose what pieces of work they would like to share. The students have also participated in mini workshops where they role play what a strong student led conference includes or what a weak conference looks like.

Literature Workshops:

This week and continuing into Term 3, students will have the opportunity to participate in a series of literature workshops based on a reading text they choose from. Each 3/4 teacher will have a text to not only read to and with the students, but provide fantastic opportunities in developing reading skills (expression, fluency), comprehension of author’s intent as well as discussing themes within the texts. The texts that are included are The Butterfly Lion, The Iron Man, Charlotte’s Web, The Phantom Tollbooth and Finn Family Moomintroll.

3/4 Team