Lift-off to Planet School

Today the Prep Explorers went aboard our space ship to travel to Planet School. The exciting day began with the children checking in and waiting in the boarding lounge. It was wonderful to see so many children coming in dressed up for the occasion.


The children all received their boarding passes with their name and seating number on them. The children had to read the seat number and work out where they were sitting. After the countdown and lifting off, we spent the journey entertaining ourselves telling space jokes and making up space raps! We also watched the live feed from the International Space Station (


Upon landing, we explored the planet, making sure that there were no hostile inhabitants or toxic atmosphere and we planted our Prep Explorer flag into the soil.

Afterwards, we celebrated our landing with a beautifully decorated space mud cake the children helped to make with Alexandra (a parent helper) last week.

We will be exploring the planet for the next five days, collecting data, investigating artifacts, materials and inhabitants. Please ensure that your child has completed the envelope and their home group teacher has received them in preparation for their letter writing workshop on Wednesday.

The space ship in our performance space will be open to viewing to family and friends this week. We have also put up some photos of the occasion on the display boards. Feel free to pop in and have a peek!

To infinity and beyond!