Walkathan Reflection

Today was the Walkathon at Princes Hill Primary School. A great time was had by all, as students in all year levels walked to help raise money for school resources. There was a fun and social atmosphere, with students walking and chatting with their family,  as well as friends in their own and other neighbourhoods. Some students really enjoyed collecting signatures from all the teachers, while others were very focused on completing as many laps as they could.

At the end of a big day, we got together in a group to write this blog post to share with everyone who couldn’t be there, and reflect on some enjoyable moments from the afternoon.

I enjoyed it when Saskia, and Allegra I were walking and my friend from prep came up and asked if she could walk with us. Tom

When I was walking my laps, I eventually started to feel tired. Me and Marly decided to have a sit down for 10 seconds every lap, which helped. Xena

Lots of people were sitting down during the walkathan and I kept encouraging them to keep walking! I enjoyed walking with my friends and having a chat with them. Monet

When I was walking with Allegra, Elliot was sitting out so Allegra came up and encouraged Elliot to keep walking by reminding him about the gelato at the end! Saskia

When Sylvie and I were walking, we saw Lee and she was speed walking. She did it so that she could get lots of laps! Maylin

On the weekend, I finally got a Garmin watch, which helped me to count my steps during the walkathon! Anthony

The tally of students laps were sent home with students this afternoon, in the hope that 2MD, 2JB, or 2WB will be the first homegroup to bring their money and green forms back (and win a pizza party for their homegroup). Students are encouraged to work out the total payments required from their sponsors with their families based on their total number of laps, and we look forward to collecting the donations back from students over the next week!