We Can Read Independently!

Check out some of the preps working on independent reading!

Yesterday we introduced the concept of independent reading or what we’re calling Read to Self. We began by talking about the 3 different ways we can read a book including reading the pictures, reading the words and retelling the story. As a group we then looked at a picture book and ‘read’ the pictures together. The children realised that as they are still learning to recognise letters and words, using the pictures is a great way for them to read!

After a discussion about what it means to do something independently we directed our attention back to the idea of reading and thought about what this might look like, feel like and sound like if we were all reading on our own. We went through some expectations and things we needed to do including staying in one spot, reading the whole time and reading quietly. We also talked about how doing this will help us to become better readers. The children then had the opportunity to go and try it out themselves. They took some time to choose a book that looked interesting then were asked to find a space around the room where they wouldn’t be distracted. Each group managed 1 minute of independent reading (which was fantastic for our very first try!). As the children build up their stamina we will gradually increase this time.

Through learning, practising and reflecting on the behaviours required for independent reading we are supporting the children to increase their concentration and to take ownership of their learning. We are thrilled by the children’s efforts so far and look forward to continuing to support each child to develop a love of reading.