Learning Focus- Week 4

Our main intention for this week will be to support children to feel settled and comfortable in their new surroundings. We will continue to connect to our inquiry ‘big idea’ question:

‘How do we explore new things and places and how can we share what we have found out?’

During project and provocation times children will be encouraged to share what they know about the prep neighbourhood and the purposes of each space through video documentation. They will also be encouraged to reflect on photographs and explain their thinking and actions. We will consider what an explorer might look like and the tools they use. Then children will be invited to create their own tools for exploring our neighbourhood and school.


Oral language will be a particular focus for the children this week. They will be encouraged to explore how they can use words to communicate their needs to others and to build relationships with their peers. Children will also take part in a story telling workshop where they will contribute to the creation of a group story. We will use big books and picture books for shared reading to explore letter-sound connections, rhyme, high frequency words and comprehension strategies.


This week we will focus on how numbers can be seen as being made of two or more parts (part-part-whole) which is an important skill that will support future understanding of place value, number concepts and word problems. During provocations children will explore pattern through art and by creating with loose parts. They will be encouraged to explore numeral formation through writing on whiteboards and using manipulable materials along with participation in the ongoing 100 days of prep inquiry. Finally children will explore data representation through the creation of a collaborative birthday graph where they will investigate dates and the months of the year.