Coding Workshop

This week, the prep students had their first coding workshops where they explored the use of BeeBots. The students investigated how to sequence a set of commands and to ‘debug’ their sequences through trial and error. Coding workshops are often divided up between the use of technologies and “unplugged” sessions where students learn coding through games and activities without technology. For example, this week, we not only used BeeBots but we role-played being robots ourselves and programmed each other.

Throughout the year, the students will explore coding through robotics, use of visual programming language (VPL), and later through the use of modified java. Although students may often describe coding workshops as “playing on the computer”,  they are, in fact, taking part in very rich learning. Coding workshops stretch and challenge the mind of young children by promoting logical thinking and problem solving in engaging ways. We believe it is also a rich source of literacy and numeracy too! Coding embeds maths through the use of compass directions, numbers in variables, time, use of arrays etc. Coding motivates students to engage in reading and writing in authentic ways. Finally, it also promotes team work as students must work and negotiate at all times with other students (often students who are unfamiliar to them).