Home Reading


The year 2 neighbourhood students will have their first visit to the library tomorrow.  They will be encouraged to borrow books to take home and share with siblings, parents and grandparents.

The purpose of the take home books is for children to practise their reading strategies at home. The text they will bring will be a ‘just right book’. A ‘just right book’ is one that the child can read with minimal support, but still challenging enough to practice their strategies.

We are encouraging children to read as much as possible when they are at home- including things such as the books we send home, non-fiction books from your child’s bookshelf that interest them, comics, recipe books, magazine- anything they can get their hands on! We would love to develop the love and joy of reading with the children.

In their take home folder, students will have a notebook where they are encouraged to record the books that they read and make any reflections they have about the book.

Our library day (at this stage) is Friday’s 9-11.  Because our groupings this year are very  flexible, students will not have a specified time they go – but all will go somewhere in those 2 hours.  Students are encouraged to remember to bring their folders each week and change their books and also give the teachers an opportunity to look at any work they have excitedly done at home!

If you have any questions or concerns, please come in and see us!

If you would like to read more about take home books and helping your child with their reading, please read this information, written by past literacy coordinators Anne O’Sullivan and Sia Vadiakas.