Expo Questions


The students have been working extremely hard to get their ‘create a country’ projects ready for our expo tomorrow.  Yesterday, we focussed ourselves and thought about the questions that people might ask when walking around looking at the projects.  The students collectively wrote a set of questions that encouraged them to think deeply about their motivations behind the elements of their countries.  Below are the questions that they designed, and we encourage our visitors to look at the questions in preparation for the expo tomorrow!



  1. How did you come up with your name?
  2. What do the colours and pictures represent on your flag?
  3. Where is your country located?
  4. What’s the name of your capital city and where is it located?
  5. What is special about the features of your country?
  6. Think about one landmark – what is the history behind it?
  7. What was the inspiration behind choosing ingredients for your national dish?
  8. What is your currency called? Describe the currency? Why did you choose the pictures on there?
  9. What languages are spoken in your country? Is there a reason why they are spoken?


  1. How did you come up with the national anthem? Does it tell a story?
  2. Is there a story behind the development of the dance?
  3. What kind of fabric have you used in your clothes? Why did you choose these types of clothes?
  4. Does your location affect your climate? Why and how?
  5. What’s the history behind playing a particular sport?
  6. What does your emblem represent? Do the pictures have any significance?
  7. How did your animal and plants come to be?  Were they brought over or are they native?


Our expo will start at approximately 9:10am and run until 11am! See you there!