Welcome to Term 4!

Hi everyone!

Welcome back for term 4! Hopefully you all had a nice break!


It is Term 4 so all the children must have hats at school. The JSC notify the school of the current UV rating just before lunch and recess – this reinforces the necessity for being sun smart. (The school requires all children to wear hats when UV ratings are above 3).

Study Ladder

As a apart of learning experiences in English and Mathematics the children will start using Study Ladder activities to support the development of skills and consolidate understandings. Some activities can be available to work on at home if the children want to .. please come and see Jess for the details.


For part of Term 3 the year 1 neighbourhood hosted a teacher candidate, Matilda, from Melbourne University. Matilda is back with us this term for a solid four week block. During her placement here Matilda is a member of the year 1 teaching team. Please come and say hello when you see her.

Life Ed

Next week the Life Ed van will be on site. Life Ed (and Harold the Giraffe) offer a wide range of important learning possibilities for students across the nation. The module selected for the year one children next week is called “Safety Rules” and focuses on making positive decisions for our own safety and that of those around us.

Walk to School 2017

Walk to School month is a fun and easy way for Victorian primary school kids to build healthy habits for life. We are currently tracking the different modes of travel to and from school (riding, skating, scotter-ing, walking or driving).
There is a whole school competition for which home group is the most active! Each week there will be acknowledgment of the most active home group and at the end there may be a big prize for the overall most active group!
Next week is the year one assembly. The children will be demonstrating their learning from the end of last term and what the focus has been on this term! Please come if you can!
Here’s to a great term!