3_4 N2 Reflections – Google Docs-2ndc65u
The above link is a documented journey of our students thinking.
This term we are all working collaboratively on designing an Ultimate Game that will showcase our research on a topic of interest. There are many opportunities for students and teachers to explore :
- History of games and the purpose of a game
- Reviewing existing games and games in progress
- Writing game instructions and designing rules
- Understanding how to present research and own knowledge as a game.
- Research deeply into possible game topics
- Exploring how players can learn from playing a game
- Chance and probabilities through the various game playing strategies
- Problem solving through the four operations of mathematics: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
- Working collaboratively in game design and presentation
- Testing our games in progress and seeking feedback for improvements
- Exhibiting our Ultimate Games in a collective end of year interactive gallery exhibition (visitors can play the games!)
Each week we have a guiding question that provokes our thinking through the participation of our learning provocations.
We have ran a series of discussion groups this week, on exploring our guiding question and how we can explore further through our provocations.
Art Studio:
Watercolour Art – Expressing knowledge through art. Drawing human body organs and analysing the scientific function.
Every picture tells a story…….. Students can engage with a series of artworks and photographs that display a significant part of history. (17th century to present day)
Learning Commons:
Maths and Writing SMART goals and conferencing
Homophone Jokes and riddles
Research on a topic of interest – connecting with our board game
Construction Space: MAB Design Challenge
PHASE 1: Game Exploration : Testing games
Students are most welcome to bring in any board game from home to test out and review. Students will be responsible for their own game.
Stay tuned!
3/4 Team