Last week we continued developing their narrative stories focusing on the structure of the writing genre and using descriptive language for character and setting.
We have also been consolidating the traits of a Good Reader and using the different strategies to decode texts and make meaning when we read.
We have continued to create our giant neighbourhood calendar which will be on the wall soon. This process has involved practicing the Months of the Year song, spelling the names of the months, counting the days and researching and identifying any special or important dates throughout the year.
Also in numeracy we have been using to learn about coding. Coding as a mathematical endeavour develops skills and understandings around compass directions, mapping, step processing and problem solving. At home ask about Drivers and Navigators when using digital technologies.
Last week we continued to investigate the impact that different elements in a space can have on how you feel. From there we have explored colours, sounds, spaces and soft things to help us think about how to make a ‘calm’ place.
When asked how school should feel for children the key words the neighbourhood came up with were:
calm warm safe happy welcome belonging respect loved
So we are using these words to move toward spatially.
Have a happy Fathers Day!
The children had lots of fun shopping at the Father’s Day Stall on Friday .. We hope all the dad’s out there had a nice day today!
Book Week
Book Week was lots of fun – everyone looked amazing! Well done to all for the super-duper outfits!!