Term 3 Excursions

Image result for melbourne museumThis term, the Year 2 Neighbourhood will be going on two excursions!

In Week 4, on Thursday 10th August, we will visit the Melbourne Museum. We will deepen our learning from last term surrounding how we make connections to places, indigenous artwork and dreamtime stories by investigating the culture and traditions of Victoria’s Aboriginal people. Through a staff-led program within the First Peoples exhibition, students will explore the diversity of Australia’s cultures and learn how knowledge, skills, and cultural practices have been passed down through history.

Students will also have the opportunity to build their understanding of setting and descriptive language through exploring the different landscapes of the Forest Gallery, as well time to view the Melbourne Story exhibition. Here, the learning focus will be on how our local communities have changed and developed throughout history, and how artifacts, stories and photographs are used to share our connection to places over time. We will leave the school by bus at the start of the day, and return around 3pm.

In Week 7, on Thursday 31st August, we will visit the Immigration Museum. Students will participate in an interactive, staff-led presentation where they will explore migration and cultural diversity through stories told with objects, artefacts and costumes. Students will investigate migration stories to build their understanding of the diverse society we live in. We will build upon what we have learnt so far relating to our big inquiry idea of ‘we make connections to places through family, stories, experiences, and artefacts’, through the stories of people from different places who have made Australia their home. We will leave the school at the start of the day, and return around 1pm.

Julie and Marie will be sending out further details over Compass shortly, however we are putting the call out to parent volunteers who would be keen to join us on either or both days. Please chat with Meredith, Jen, or Tim if you’re interested!