Week 7 Learning focus!


This week we will conclude our investigation into Jeannie Baker’s storybook “Belonging” by creating a portfolio piece. So far, the children have studied the pictures and observed the changes that have occurred in the environment as the story progresses. Working with A3 print-outs of the pictures, children put the images in sequence. They shared their insights with the class and made some wonderful observations about the time-frame of the storytelling and how, and why, the world around the characters has changed. The children will write about their observations of change, ties in with our guiding question in our Inquiry, What Changes and What Stays the Same?

“Step Inside a Character” – Building on our core school values of empathy and walking in someone else’s shoes, the children will explore texts and investigate what motivates a particular character.


We have observed a dramatic increase in the popularity of Fidget Spinners across the school. Due to the level of engagement, in addition to the concept of change in terms of fashion, popular culture, fads and crazes, we believe an investigation around fidget spinners would serve as an appropriate conduit to explore and develop multiple Maths concepts and understandings.

This is to be approached through a range of provocations specifically designed for the investigation covering learning in number, measurement, statistics and data.

The children will be measuring how long spinners can spin for, how much they weigh, developing cost comparisons, and collecting data to map the popularity of Fidget Spinners across the school.

We have informed the children that this project does not mean that can head home and hassle their parents for a spinner. The children understand that some parents may not want their child to have one. We have asked those who have more than one to bring them for others to share as well. 

If you would like the teachers to look after kids spinners at all times other than during the numeracy project time please come and let the neighbourhood teachers know and we will keep them safe.


The children have commenced working in their project groups which all hold a focus on improving our school or influencing change. For the time being these project groups will take the place of provocations in the timetable.

There will still be provocations available to the students to select from to direct their learning, but the learning possibilities will be available within the project groups and support the learning in those groups.

Have a great week everyone!