Maths Update: Week 5

We are continuously investigating statistics and probability in prep, finding out how to collect, record and read data. We often use authentic situations to help with our understanding.

For example, during the annual Walkathon, we will be taking a break with some yummy ice cream. Anne-Marie, who is organising the event, asked us to collect data on which of the three available flavours the children would like. This was therefore turned into an investigation into data. Everyone chose one of the three available and we made this into a bar graph. This was photographed and sent to Anne Marie.

The preps are coming into school reporting that they have a wobbly tooth, or that they have lost their milk tooth. This has provided us with another opportunity to explore data. We will be recording who have lost their teeth and how many. This will then be put into ‘ten frames’ so that we can read the data in an easy fashion. This will be a dynamic chart that will be changed as children lose more teeth.