Learning focus week 8!

Morning everyone!

This week in Literacy we will focusing on procedural texts and developing instructions to make a volcano! The children have already made some predictions about what they think will happen when Bi-Carb Soda and Vinegar are combined!

recently in Numeracy we began measuring our heights using informal units of measurement (pencils, chopsticks and other assorted resources) and last week we started investigating formal units of measurement (centimeters). This week we will continue getting to know formal units and start making our own height chart to answer the question: “How tall is Year 1?”

This week in the year one inquiry we are continuing to investigate ‘My Place in the World’ through the three sensory lenses of Light, Sound and Nature (Bugs).

Exploring these areas helps us to understand how we connect to the world around us.


Book Talk starts this week on Wednesday afternoon from 2:30pm. Thank you to all the parents who have expressed interest in joining us. Please don’t hesitate to come and see the teachers if you are keen to get involved.

Computer Publishing storiesĀ – once again this week we would love to have some parents helping students to type up their stories on the computers. This is for Tuesday morning (Tomorrow) from 9:20am.
