Week 1 Learning Update

Last week in the Year 2 Neighbourhood we looked at the different spaces in the neighbourhood, brainstorming what they are used for, what resources are kept in there, and the expectations and responsibilities that are connected with each space. The work that students did in small groups was then used as part of workshops to build shared informative texts for a number of different spaces. Students also shared about their holidays in Writing with a focus on structuring a recount, and identified connections they had in common with other students in a group activity where everyone shared something special about themselves as a way for Meredith to start to get to know all of the Year 2’s.

In Maths, we brushed up on skip counting forwards and backwards by 2’s, 5’s, 10’s from various starting points, and drew birds eye view maps as a way to describe a place, which will come in handy for when we start to look at the different places that are special to us in more detail.

There were also lot of ‘start of the year’ tasks to get our classroom ready for term and everyone ready for learning, such as choosing books from the library to fill our bookshelves in the Reading Area and Performance Space, and making covers for all of our notebooks.