Welcome Back!

Wow that two weeks has gone quickly! We hope everyone had a fantastic break and are excitedly ready to come back to school.  We have got some great things in the works for this term, so stay tuned to the blog for more information. Just a few housekeeping things for today:

    • Tim will be off on long service leave for the next 4 weeks – lucky duck! The wonderful Jacinta Cashen will be replacing him for the whole time.  Jacinta is a regular visitor in the neighbourhood and has developed an extremely positive relationship with all of the students over the course of the year.  Welcome Jacinta!
    • We will be moving our take home book swap session to Thursdays for the rest of the year.  Students will be provided with time in the library once a week to swap their books over.  We encourage all students to read regularly at home and from variety of sources.
    • We are always looking for parent volunteers in the neighbourhood to work with the students in a variety of different ways.  If you think that you have some time and an expertise that you can share with us, come and see the neighbourhood teachers.