Parent Reps

Here is a message from the Community Relations Subcommittee regarding Parent Reps. 

Prep Parents, we need you!

Each year we ask for volunteers to perform this vital role. Reps get news out to families about forthcoming events. It’s not hard, or time-consuming. We’d love to have a Parent Rep for every home group. So far we have a volunteer for Tomo’s homegroup.

Reps do these three things:

  1. Create and circulate a contact phone list for your home group. This list needs to be created from the yellow forms that all parents completed a few weeks ago. Julie has these at the office. You’ll be guided through this process. [Takes ~1 hour]
  2. Set a time and place for a Prep family gathering, and send it out to the contact list. It should be something simple and free – eg. “Prep family catch-up, Curtain Square playground, 2pm on the last Sunday of each month, come along if you’re free. BYO snacks.” [Takes about 10 minutes]
  3. Forward emails to the Prep parent contact list about school events throughout the year – esp. the Bazaar in November. [Takes less than 30 minutes per month]

Parent Reps work with the Community Relations subcommittee. By becoming a Rep you join this dynamic team and will be contacted about how to participate in school events throughout the year.

If you have questions, please just ask. Contact Lisa Claiborne:
