Dialogical Pedagogy

Dialogic pedagogy is a term used by a growing number of scholars, practitioners and policy-makers to describe learning processes in which teacher and pupils critically interrogate the topic of study, express and listen to multiple voices and points of view, and create respectful and equitable classroom relations.”


While we are not new to the structure and expectations of Dialogical Pedagogy in our neighbourhood, this week we were excited to participate in a panel or audience that considered statements such as, ‘Is our identity within our control?’ and ‘When or where are we not ‘ourselves’?

Many of our conversations took into account variables such as location, time, culture, religion, our need to feel accepted and influences of social media. We have really begun to consider a wide variety of influences on how our identity is formed, and many of us acknowledge how lucky we are to have a family and environment that encourage our individual identities to flourish.