Week 5 in review

Weekly Reflection

Blog post written by Anisa

Photos by Ada



Magnus and Poppy explored all the little parts of the robot and wrote down their wanderings. Poppy and Magnus shared their robot, which they showed us and controlled it with a remote.




Tase has drawn a picture of honeycomb and wrote down all his wonderings about it. He drew some objects and shared his ideas with us.


Siena, Archie S, Athena and Ruby shared their slideshow about the dead sea. Why did you do a slide show the dead sea? Becauseā€¦ They wanted to learn more about it after seeing a picture during provocations. They had to research the history and structure of the sea and where it was in the world.


Pie charts

Georgiana, Harriet and Charlotte have been learning about pie charts, said that it was quite easy to make mistakes so they had to be very careful. To be successful they had to measure, work out the percentage and then use a protractor to complete the pie chart.


Huge WELL DONE to Noni and Marla for hosting today’s presentation.