Book Week was a roaring success this year with so many of our outstanding students dressing up and looking amazing! A big thank you to all parents, students and teachers who put in a massive effort into their costumes, activities and enthusiasm for all things reading! This year we really focused on understanding characters and developing an awareness of different traits and how characters grow and develop themselves throughout a story.
We started the morning off with our awesome Book Week Parade. It was fantastic to see so many different and unique costumes. A big thank you to all the parents who stayed to watch the parade.

Provocation for book week creating puppets of our favourite characters and mash up of costumes to get a Dinosaur rabbit doctor. We have also been doing LOTS of writing based on books we explore as a group. This usually sparks some good ideas and gives the children an easy way to get started. The writing tied in with characters, their strengths, and how they grow throughout a story.

Book week and the Library excursion has tied in beautifully with our ongoing Inquiry of ‘Who am I’ by allow us to continue to explore our local community through a walking excursion. We thought that a visit to the library would help introduce many to this underutilised community resource; a world of stories, rich language and untapped imagination.

We are learning not just about libraries, but about safe ways to travel as a group. The drivers were all very accommodating when we crossed the roads.

We were hosted by Josie, a Children and Youth Services Librarian working for Yarra Libraries. While we were there she explained the purpose of the library, encouraged everyone to look into the many holiday programs that they run, read several picture stories and made sue everyone had lots of fun exploring the books they have on offer.

It was a short walk, but those with tiny legs were a bit tired after the big day out. Thanks again to the support from Austin, Mari and Kirsten who were able to come along and made the whole thing possible.