In the Prep Neighbourhood we have been investigating different types of maps and their features.
We continued to set up a range of provocations and workshops around mapping. Children responded through drawing, writing and construction in order to share their knowledge and experiences. This has lead to many connections between home and school.
We created maps of our journey from home to school.

We created a map of the school.
When I was drawing the different parts of the school I realised the sports oval was big. -Louis

We documented a pathway to the office from the prep neighborhood.
I thought of Jacquee in the office and how would I get there by walking using directions. -Vivienne

We constructed our bedroom with Lego, listed items and used a grid map to help with the layout of furniture .
My bunkbed is big and there is many soft toys in my room. -Harvey

We Read the Book the Best Place to Hide by Jane Godwin and then discussed, painted and wrote about playing the game hide and seek in our houses with our families.

The best hiding spot is in the bathtub -Veda
I hide under the bed, behind the shower and inside the cupboard. – Sarah
I hide on the top bunk under my covers. – Alberto
The best place to hide is my closet because it is dark and hard to find me. -Rana
I hide behind the chair in the front room because people can’t really see me. – Frankie
I hide behind my door in the bathroom. – Dorothy
We painted and wrote about where we have traveled in Australia and the world.

I have been to Mauritius to see my grandparents. -Estelle
I have been Wye River and I saw many Kangaroos. -Minka
I have been to Tasmania and I saw a fox.- Harvey
I have been to a America to see Family. I flew on an plane and I stayed in hotel with a pool. -Veda
I have been to Sovereign Hill. -Juniper
I have been to Noosa with my family. I sat in a tree with my sisters and ate a snow cone. -Raphy.
I’ve been to a waterslide at the waterpark. -Spencer

This is my airport, runway and plane. -Louie
What kind of transport helps us get to our destination?
I go in the car. Luna
I’ve been in a plane, it was fun, my ears got blocked and then I was bored. -Louis
I’ve been on 2 trains. One was Puffin Billy and the other was a blue train and it was mixture of speeds, fast and slow. -Reuben
When I was in the bus I could look out the window. -Rhys
We constructed transport vehicles with mobilo